Monday, August 25, 2008

"Tek - NO - Law - GEE"

The dictionary defines TekNOLawGEE "Inventions to keep the "slow" in touch with the "not dumb" I think it's pretty clear which category I fit into here, seeing as how I can blog from my PHONE (that is what I'm doing now) and it still takes me a friggin month to "post."

This is going to be a small one folks seeing as how, I am on my phone and at work, but i wont leave you without a little treat...

is so good to me
that I cant believe
it's so hard for me
to update my blog
without any delay
please do forgive me
thats what I pray
this poem's a stretch
but that's cuz I'm beat
so it's all you get
for your little treat

The End

p.s. if you actually think that is the real definition of TekNOLawGEE, step right on into my "slower" group

The End.... again


Melissa: said...

Nice poem! I'm super impressed by your skills.

Man, my phone doesn't even have text predictor-

I expect a blog about your tritraining--mid run!

Phillip and Mary said...

i hear ya brotha! I can't manage an update either. I'm scared to comment on blogs for fear of cyber-crusties that I have time to read them and not write them. Then I realize people probably don't even check anymore and aren't even giving me the time of a cyber-crusty. So like, when's your baby shower? I'm stealing your poem for my blog til I can post. I'll be sure to give you the deserving credit for your wit, which is one of the most joyous constants of my life! I LOVE YOU!