Friday, May 23, 2008


Ha! Take that Missy with all your fancy play on word cleverness (yes, it took me like 3 days to come up with that but HA anyway) ;)

Anyways... It's arrived everybody. The opportunity to witness an underappreciated sport by people that are not only good at, and look UNBELIEVABLE doing it, but also happen to love the sport. And it's all coming to you on network television.

Ok, so I'm not as good at the formatting with the blogging and all that, but I'm gonna spread the message believe you me.
May 25th, 11:00 pm

They are hunters folks, are you sure you wanna test how good they are by not watching this Sunday night. Just kidding (but really).

Take it from the guy who's been on the other side. If there was a tree, I was huggin it. I have actually been quoted that "I would take a bullet for a duck." And yet here I am, spreading the word to the ENTIRE WORLD (the 8 people who read my blog...counting me) on the Internet Machine, because they've got me "hooked" (that's funny cause it's a play on fishing so laugh).

And don't get me wrong folks, it's not that I still don't hug trees, I come to you a more educated individual. If it weren't for people like these fine Mecham boys, we wouldn't have the wilderness around us that we so enjoy. So let's give back to them in support, what they bring to us is AWESOMENESS by tuning in this Sunday night. But really you should check out Missy's (my sister BTW) entry because it absolutely TRUMPS mine :) Here's a link to her's titled "Papa-ganda" (dam... that is good (it's not swearing cuz I spelled it wrong))


Melissa: said...

No, yours is WAY better than mine.

I wonder if that duck knows how lucky he is? I bet he doesn't even appreciate you...

But I do.

Phillip and Mary said...

Wow, you two just plain rock. I hope Dad knows how lucky he is!

lynette said...

Very nice son--but am I supposed to be able to click on this and see it? Or should I drop by?