Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Challenge going forward... and the Marathon

Since I was a kid, I always thought it was pretty incredible the amount of Marathons my Tim Dad has run (ran? runned? ranned?). So I always told myself that I would at least match that number as a tribute to his commitment to health. Well, I'm running Marathon #1 on May 17th! Crazy huh?!? I officially started my 18 week training with a 3 mile run today, and think I might actually go through with this, so keep your calendars open so you can be witness to the Finish Line/Funeral that I will be the star of, either one should be a doozy (duzie? doozie? duzy?).

But Jon, you said "The Challange going forward... "AND" the marathon." So what is the challenge if a marathon is not challenge enough?

I'm glad you asked (you did ask). The real challenge going forward is our little (huge) Oakley. For those of you who don't know, Oakley is our Siberian Husky dog. He is incredibly beautiful, he has a brown and a blue eye and should cap out at about 60 pounds (I'm pretty sure he weighs about 900 right now). Lynette Mom was nice enough to get us some very needed training for our boy. He's never been bad, or aggressive, just very... VERY hyper. So we just needed some tips to get his nerves down. It hasn't taken long to learn that we are his pet, not the other way around. But so far it has gone very well, and I think as long as we stay consistent, Mom's generous gift will do wonders for my little family.

Well, I've written a lot today... sorry, I'm a rambler, but I will leave you with another little gift. Even cooler than yesterdays killer poetic beauty.

If you read carefully, and in the right timeframes, and meter
and if the words are organized differently, and changed completely, then
my entire post can be read in Iambic Pentameter (Aembyc Pantanometor? Shakespearian Writing Poemy Thingy? Retarded thing I had to learn in school but never actually understanded what the crap the teacher was talking about no matter how many time she made me read "Romeo and Hamlet" or whatever? (is that like the Brokeback Mountain of the Renaissance or something????))
Anywho, goodnight!!


Melissa: said...

You are so fun to read, you are hilarious!

A marathon? Awesome! You are my hero! You know, dad ran, like, 13 of those?

Just wonderin' if you knew what you were getting in to! :)

I'll be at the end of my street cheering you on at mile 21...I'll bring some snacks for you :)

John Dad said...

Now this is going to be fun. A marathon? The thought reminds me when I first hit my finger with a hammer. I am sure, at the time, the project was worthy, but my initial skill level was lacking.

How do you eat an elephant? Wait, who would want to, sounds fatty.

Proud of you jonny. Keep us posted on your skill level improvement program!

John Dad