Thursday, March 20, 2008

Remember the time...

...that I totally sprained my ankle playing basketball in the midst of my Marathon Training...

Yeah, that sucked... The good news is that I did it whilst scoring the winning point of our final game for the night over a dude much bigger (not hard to be) than I. It was a nice little floater that I don't shoot often (don't shoot, or don't make, hard to keep those straight sometimes) immediately followed by landing on the big guys foot (immediately followed by a few choice words [well, one word {over and over again}]). Being the incredibly macho manly man I am, I walked out of there like it was cool (hobbled out like I just had my foot amputated almost in tears). When I arrived home (yes, driving was interesting), my wife (the sensible one in the family) insisted that we go to the hospital. Again, basking in my manliness I refused, until I took off my sock and there was a baseball where my ankle bone used to be. That's when I turned to Kristen and said, "you know babe, I think I should go somewhere like the hospital (I'm so smart)." Long story long, I have a bad high ankle sprain and it sucks...

In further news, I have another blog... I know what you're thinking (he can't even take control of one blog). The other one is an outlet for my hobbies... You see, I am so easily entertained, that I like virtually everything. I'm talking Movies, Games, Sports, Video Games, Art, Artisticly done Video Game Movies... So here is what I'm hoping, this will be an opportunity to try and learn how to write entertainingly...

So here is what you should expect from the other blog, almost daily reports (sometimes multliple times a day) on Movies I watch, Sports I watch, or a Video Game I played... and I'm even hoping to do some illustrations for the blog along the way (we'll just have to see on that one). Your (whoever actually reads this crap) job is to comment, for real, on my writing, or your opinion on the particular subject of the writing so that I figure out I should probably stop trying... The blog is called shibbopinionitous (pronounced like you'd pronounce a disease). And the website is I'll try to keep it entertaining... And now what you've all been waiting for...

A poem to read

to keep your spirits high

and my feeble attempt

to make you think I'm a cool guy

I know it probably seems

like I'm stealing this beautiful work

but it's all me folks

the end